Module CS/docs/texinfo/build/platform/win32/msvc/

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Summary Period: 2001-08-03 to 2003-06-25



Lines Of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 693 (2003-07-11 20:29)


Author Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 160 (100.0%) 2113 (100.0%) 13.2
philwyett 126 (78.8%) 1846 (87.4%) 14.6
sunshine 21 (13.1%) 192 (9.1%) 9.1
res2002 2 (1.3%) 24 (1.1%) 12.0
jbit 2 (1.3%) 20 (0.9%) 10.0
wmiler 4 (2.5%) 16 (0.8%) 4.0
azverkan 1 (0.6%) 11 (0.5%) 11.0
jorrit 4 (2.5%) 4 (0.2%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

philwyett 2003-06-25 14:06

- Philip Wyett removed the references in the docs that offered
people to contact me directly re MSVC related build issues and
updated authors info to indicate my current inactive status.

10 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-06-02 06:34

Updated docs to reflect a new msvc_libs release.

12 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-05-27 08:19

- Corrected MSVC 6 docs build requirement of minimum Python
version for CS. Now specifies minimum of 2.2.

1 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-05-09 15:36

- Philip Wyett updated MSVC build docs to reflect a new msvc_libs
release. This release has a number of fixes and removes libmikmod.

4 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-04-27 06:34

- Removed the Python 2.2 cs_pyth.cpp hack from the MSVC6
build docs. It is no longer needed after the expansion
and recent upgrade of the Python plugin.

0 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-04-20 21:26

- Philip fixed a couple of typos in the MSVC docs.

2 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-03-07 04:15

- Philip Wyett fixed some old legacy instructions reported
by 'Sqee' (docs mailing list) in the MSVC7 build documentation,
still around from before we had MSVC7 projects files in CVS.

1 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-03-03 08:19

- Philip Wyett updated links to the msvc_libs packages in the docs.
Added xml2 plugin to MSVC build process and updated MSVC project files.

4 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-03-02 10:18

- Philip Wyett, added OpenAL plugin to MSVC build process. He also
updated msvc_libs and the links too msvc_libs in the docs.

5 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-01-29 11:20

Update of msvc_libs links

4 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2003-01-11 03:53

Updated docs to reflect a new versions of msvc_libs

4 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2002-12-25 21:42

Minor update

3 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2002-12-20 08:27

Moved back too msvc_libs 0.95dev003. Until Freetype problem can be fixed.

2 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2002-12-13 05:24

Updated link to new version of msvc_libs for MSVC 6, which now incorporate Freetype 2.1.3.

2 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2002-12-10 23:37

Eric Sunshine applied a large and thorough typographical-error correction
patch to the Texinfo documentation from Andreas Busch
<>. Also applied a few minor corrections from Eric

20 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2002-12-07 19:31

Updated links to point to new msvc_libs for MSVC 6. Thanks to Lukas Erlinghagen for submitting updated ode.lib.

2 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2002-12-05 08:27

Updated msvc7_libs links

2 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2002-11-22 13:56

Removed a couple of dead links and fixed the BisonFlex links for those who use it.

8 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2002-09-18 16:40

Made the following changes to the Texinfo documents:

-*- Fixed a slew of Texinfo markup syntax error and warnings.

-*- Eliminated all of the overfull and underfull `hbox' warnings reported
by TeX.

12 lines of code changed in:

res2002 2002-08-22 09:59

- added custom CSS stylesheet for docs
- added a new doc module Engine/Lighting
- fixed typo in aws.h
- added paragraph about problems w/ non-latin chars in CS path
to MSVC docs

24 lines of code changed in:

(64 more)

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