Module CS/docs/texinfo/options/config/

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Summary Period: 2000-03-17 to 2003-07-03



Lines Of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 361 (2003-07-11 20:29)


Author Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 41 (100.0%) 522 (100.0%) 12.7
mgeisse 13 (31.7%) 396 (75.9%) 30.4
sunshine 24 (58.5%) 119 (22.8%) 4.9
philwyett 1 (2.4%) 4 (0.8%) 4.0
jorrit 3 (7.3%) 3 (0.6%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

sunshine 2003-07-03 09:38

Eric Sunshine made the following documentation-related changes:

-*- Continued updating user manual to reflect latest SCF changes.

-*- Fixed a significant number of Texinfo mark-up problems in

-*- Updated extremely outdated information about configuration and
configuration files in user manual.

-*- Corrected several mark-up bloofles in various .txi documents.

-*- Eliminated TeX `hbox' warnings.

68 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-01-11 11:32

Fixed various outdated information throughout the documentation.
Still a lot of work to do however.

3 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2002-12-21 14:01

Removed the unmaintained DJGPP port. Tagged the following files and
directories with "DJGPP_OBSOLETE" in order to simplify the task of
recovering them from the Attic if necessary.


0 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2002-12-20 12:27

Removed the unmaintained OS/2 port. Tagged the following files and
directories with "OS2_OBSOLETE" in order to simplify the task of
recovering them from the Attic if necessary.

include/cssys/os2 libs/cssys/os2

13 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2001-07-05 11:04

Eric Sunshine removed a bunch of Glide references from documentation,
sources, headers, and makefiles.

0 lines of code changed in:

philwyett 2001-07-03 13:32

Changed the following:

FindPlugIn -> FindPlugin
FindPlugInRec -> FindPluginRec
ConfigPriorityPlugIn -> ConfigPriorityPlugin
NewPlugIn -> NewPlugin

Docs and config files also updated.

This change is a change of PlugIn for Plugin in
all instances inside the libs, plugins and apps.

Changes now complete bar apimod19 update.

4 lines of code changed in:

mgeisse 2001-02-20 21:36

added documentation for the config manager system

33 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2001-02-16 09:49

Automated Texinfo @node and @menu repair.

5 lines of code changed in:

mgeisse 2001-02-15 22:05

updated the documentation to deal with the new config system

363 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2000-12-07 10:50

-*- Renamed the following classes and SCF interfaces. Fixed all source
files, header files, and documentation to reflect these changes.

iWorld --> iEngine
csWorld --> csEngine
csWorldConfig --> csEngineConfig
csWorldState --> csEngineState
csWorldStateVector --> csEngineStateVector

-*- Renamed the following files. Fixed all source files, header files,
and documentation to reflect these changes.

iworld.h --> iengine.h
world.h --> engine.h
world.cpp --> engine.cpp
worldfmt.txi --> mapfmt.txi

-*- Eliminated the old iEngine SCF interface and the iengine.h header
file. This interface was just a very thin wrapper around the existing
iWorld (now iEngine) functionality. However, since the engine library
already contains sufficient SCF goop to pass as a plug-in module, the
old thin iEngine wrapper was not actually needed. The new iEngine is
now the one and only interface for accessing the engine regardless of
whether or not it is in a plug-in module or statically linked. There
is no longer any distinction.

-*- Renamed all `world' variables to 'engine' throughout the project and
documentation. Renamed all variations of `world' (such as `World',
etc.), as well. Also renamed `world file' references to `map file'
references. Code and documentation which specifically refers to
`world space' or `world coordinates' has not changed. In this case,
the `world' terminology is appropriate and has been retained.

-*- Added a bunch of missing `const' qualifiers to Dumper class.

-*- Renamed Dungeon plug-in's SCF name from
crystalspace.worldrnd.dungeon.std to crystalspace.dungeon.random.

-*- csProgressPulse now uses iSystem::Printf() rather than CsPrintf(),
thus it is no longer tied to the engine. Also added Doxygen comments.

-*- Enhanced the check for new C++ casting syntax in to be
more thorough. It now checks for all casting variations. This was
necessary, since someone at NeXT botched the OpenStep Objective-C++
compiler so that it fails to understand reinterpret_cast even though
it understands static_cast, const_cast, and dynamic_cast.

-*- Eliminated compilation warning in csbaglay.cpp regarding one variable
shadowing another.

-*- NeXT csosdefs.h now defines __NEED_GENERIC_ISDIR for SYSDEF_DIR so
that the generic isdir() gets defined. This is now required by CSWS.

-*- Added missing `const' qualifier to SetName() and GetName() methods of
csFrame and csSpriteAction.

-*- Eliminated several compilation warnings from the sound loader plug-in.

-*- Eliminated compilation warning about redefinition of RED_PREPROC macro
in This warning only showed up on platforms which have
TOP8BITS_R8G8B8_USED defined.

-*- Eliminated several compilation warnings in g2dtest regarding implicit
conversion of float to int.

-*- Added missing `const' qualifiers to several methods in mz3DSprite.

-*- Fixed quite a lot of multiple-include protection macros in
include/csengine so that they are now prefixed by `CS' (for instance
__CS_STATS_H__ rather than STATS_H). This should help to avoid naming
collisions with non-CS packages.

-*- Eliminated compilation warning in ptlab.cpp.

1 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2000-04-15 00:16

*** Phase Six of Eric's Big Documentation Overhaul(tm) ***

-*- Completely eliminated all remaining warnings which were reported by
TeX. Mostly these involved overfull and underfull 'hbox'. Now all
conversions (TeX, HTML, Info) build warning-free.

-*- Added a 'pdfdoc' target to the makefile which converts the Crystal
Space manual from Texinfo to PDF. This complements the other output
formats, PS, DVI, HTML, and Info. (PDF generation still requires a bit
more tweaking. As it stands, it does not preserve the print margins,
thus the printed material appears immediately adjacent to the border of
the sheet of paper.)

-*- Overhauled the NeXT compilation and NeXT detailed information documents
so that they make sense in the context of a larger manual. Also
sensibly merged the old INSTALL.NeXT and INSTALL.NeXT-Binary documents
into a single section within the manual.

-*- Performed an overhaul of texinfo/intro/contrib.txi, the Crystal Space
"contributors" document. Unified its layout with the layout of
authors.txi. Also subjected it to a much more thorough Texinfo

-*- Overhauled resource.txi. Provided much more up-to-date information
regarding accessing Crystal Space in its various forms (such as CVS
snapshots, etc.).

-*- Completely overhauled faq.txi to bring it much more up-to-date. It was
extremely outdated.

-*- Overhauled coding.txi and cvs.txi within the "Contributing" chapter.
Some of the information in cvs.txi was also relevant to coding.txi in
one form or another, so I added the information there as well.

-*- Major cleanup of a significant number of Texinfo document files. (I
would name them here, but the list would be too long :-). Also
performed a much more thorough Texinfo conversion on many of the
existing documents.

-*- Finished overhauling the Simple tutorial so that the discussion now
agrees with the sample code; rather than often being independent of it.

-*- Upgraded to texi2html version 1.62. This version fixes six or seven
additional bugs which I reported to the maintainer. Unfortunately, it
also introduces several new bugs (some of which are severe). I have
sent off appropriate bug reports and am awaiting response. In the
meantime, I manually patched the most severe problems myself.

-*- Way too many additional documentation changes to even begin to
summarize them here. You'll just have to take my word for it that a
_lot_ has changed. :-)

8 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2000-04-07 19:33

*** Phase Four of Eric's Big Documentation Overhaul(tm) ***

-*- Added all of the standard Texinfo boilerplate material which was
missing from the Crystal Space manual. This includes the copyright
notice, version and edition information, document summary, copying
permissions, title page, "top" node, and master Info @menu. This is
the first time that the manual is truly a valid Texinfo document.

-*- Added a new appendix named "History". This will appear in the online
conversions (Info and HTML) but not in the printed manual. The
contents of the current history.txt and history.old files will
eventually be incorporated into this appendix.

-*- Added a Concepts Index to the manual.

-*- Added version.txi which contains version and edition information and
last updated time stamp. Whenever a new version of Crystal Space is
released, the VERSION and EDITION variables in this file should be
updated. VERSION should contain the version number of the Crystal
Space release. EDITION should contain the edition number of the
manual (which is usually related to the version number, but may also
be independent of it if the project and documentation change at
different rates). Whenever a change of significance is made to the
manual, itself, the UPDATED date and EDITION number should be
adjusted appropriately.

-*- Added cpyright.txi which contains all of the copyright notices used in
the manual.

-*- Created a custom tool (CS/bin/ which repairs broken and
out-of-date @node lines and @menu blocks throughout an entire Texinfo
source hierarchy. This tool can be used to generate completely valid
Texinfo @node and @menu entries in a single operation, thus freeing
the documentation writer from having to manually perform this mundane

-*- Added a new makefile target named "repairdoc" which runs the new script to repair all @node and @menu entries.
Documentation writers may want to invoke the "repairdoc" target after
making changes to Texinfo documentation to ensure @node and @menu

-*- Renamed the script to and modified it to
automatically invoke to repair broken @node and @menu
entries prior to performing the Texinfo to HTML conversion.

-*- Texinfo @node and @menu entries are now automatically repaired within
the CVS repository every six hours (four times per day)

-*- Added @menu blocks in appropriate places throughout the Texinfo source
files to act as navigational aids in HTML and Info formats.

-*- Upgraded CS/bin/texi2html from version 1.60 to version 1.61. This
upgrade fixes eight or nine additional bugs which I had reported to
the script's maintainer, in addition to the half dozen bugs I reported
for earlier releases. Unfortunately, version 1.61 introduces several
new bugs (which I have also reported to the maintainer).

-*- Fixed several bugs in texi2html 1.61, myself, pending a response from
the script's maintainer.

-*- Documentation-related targets now reside in their own section within
the makefile "help" message.

11 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2000-03-19 22:08

*** Phase Two of Eric's Big Documentation Overhaul {tm} ***

-*- Created custom Texinfo macro packages which allow the Crystal
Space documentation to be built on all supported platforms by
taking pathname syntax into account, since none of the Texinfo
conversion tools (TeX, makeinfo, texi2html) do so. These macro
packages are contained within the files unixdef.txi, macdef.txi,
and dosdef.txi. These macros must be used in place of the
standard Texinfo @include and @image directives for importing
other Texinfo file and images. There are two new core macros.
They are @import and @picture, and replace @include and @image,
respectively. Because of the limited macro capabilities of
Texinfo, there are actually variations of these macros which must
be used depending upon how deeply nested the file to be included
resides. To include a file which resides in the current
directory, use @import; to include a file in an immediate
subdirectory, use @imports. Use @importss for a file two
directories deep, @importsss for a file three directories deep,
etc. For example, to include the file "cow.txi" which resides
within the directory "foo/bar", replace the old "@include
foo/bar/cow.txi" with "@importss{foo,bar,cow.txi}. The same
technique of appending 's' to the macro's name also applies to
the @picture macro.

-*- Added the cover-documents cs-unix.txi, cs-mac.txi, and
cs-dos.txi. These files should be considered the root
documentation file, rather than cs.txi, for a given platform. On
Unix, cs-unix.txi is used to build the documentation package; on
Mac, cs-mac.txi; and on Windows/DOS, cs-dos.txi.

-*- Replaced all instances of @include with @import{} in the existing
Texinfo source files.

-*- Performed a major overhaul of the documentation makefile,
docs.mak. The makefile has the new targets 'infodoc', 'htmldoc',
'dvidoc', and 'psdoc', for generating Info, HTML, DVI, and
PostScript conversions of the Texinfo documentation,
respectively. In the future, I would also like to add a 'pdfdoc'
target but for now all of my work is being done with NextStep,
where PDF generation capability is currently unavailable.
(Perhaps I will add 'pdfdoc' during one of my rare forays into
Linuxland, unless someone else beats me to it.) The old targets
'api' and 'doc' have been renamed to 'apidoc' and 'devdoc',
respectively. The makefile also goes to great lengths to deal
correctly with images which are part of the documentation
hierarchy. This is a highly complex makefile. Please be certain
that you understand it thoroughly before attempting any

-*- When built via the makefile, all generated documentation is now
placed within the standard 'out' directory hierarchy. Depending
upon the exact target, the generated documentation will end up in
one of either out/docs/dev, out/docs/api, out/docs/info,
out/docs/html, out/docs/dvi, or out/docs/ps.

-*- Added the conversion script texi2html to the CS/bin directory
along with its initialization file texi2html.init. This is beta
version 1.60 of texi2html. This version is required for the
@import and @picture macros which earlier versions of texi2html
are unable to support. The makefile automatically uses
bin/texi2html as necessary. This version of 1.60 also contains
bug fixes made by the maintainer of texi2html in response to many
bug reports which I filed. (Several additional bug reports are
still pending.)

-*- Customized texi2html.init to that it does not emit the date or
username in the generated output. The reason that I do not want
this information in the HTML files is that the HTML conversion
will be performed and committed to the CVS repository
automatically. If this information was present in the converted
files, CVS would consider the files an having been changed even
if there were no actual content changes, and that would be

-*- Added texinfo.tex and epsf.tex to the standard distribution as a
convenience and to ensure that the documentation converts easily
and without hassle to DVI and PS.

-*- Began repairing Texinfo mark-up problems. Added Emacs "texinfo"
mode selection to each file ("@c -*-texinfo-*-).

-*- Performed a full Texinfo conversion on the license file.

8 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2000-03-17 21:54

%%% Phase One of Eric's Big Documentation Overhaul {tm} %%%

-*- Cleaned up and rewrote a lot of the filler material in the
Crystal Space manual and updated and corrected much of the
existing information. Also composed new filler material which
was sorely lacking and which is needed to bind chapters and
sections together.

-*- Cleaned up a lot of the Texinfo mark-up (though a tremendous
amount of mark-up repair is still required).

-*- Major overhaul of the logical organization of the Crystal Space
manual. The organization now attempts to take user perspective
into account and is especially concerned with the first-time

-*- Major overhaul of the physical organization of the Texinfo source
files which comprise the manual.

-*- Moved the newly reorganized Texinfo source hierarchy from
CS/txidocs to CS/docs/texinfo. This will be its final resting

-*- Created the CS/docs/html directory and populated it with the HTML
conversion of the Texinfo manual. In a later phase of this
overhaul, docs/html/ will be updated automatically as the Texinfo
master files are modified, so consider this directory read-only.
It was manually populated in this instance because I wanted to
give people convenient access to the new documentation even in
the absence of automated conversion.

-*- Created a README.htm file within CS/docs which acts as a cover
page and gateway to the remainder of the documentation hierarchy.

-*- Created the CS/docs/incoming directory which is intended as a
temporary holding area for documents pending conversion to

-*- Relocated all non-Texinfo documents (plain text and LaTex) to
CS/docs/incoming pending their conversion to Texinfo.

-*- Eliminated the now obsolete CS/newdoc and CS/txidocs directories.
CS/docs is now the one and only documentation directory within
the CS package. Hopefully this should eliminate confusion which
resulted from the other two directories (and particularly from
CS/newdoc), in the past.

-*- Too many other changes to remember. :-)

5 lines of code changed in:

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