User statistics for serplord

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Summary Period: 1999-09-29 to 2000-12-31

Total Changes

109 (0.1%)

Lines Of Code

2214 (0.1%)


Directory Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 109 (100.0%) 2214 (100.0%) 20.3
CS/libs/csengine/objects/ 26 (23.9%) 1293 (58.4%) 49.7
CS/include/csengine/ 14 (12.8%) 289 (13.1%) 20.6
CS/ 15 (13.8%) 266 (12.0%) 17.7
CS/docs/ 28 (25.7%) 195 (8.8%) 6.9
CS/apps/walktest/ 4 (3.7%) 91 (4.1%) 22.7
CS/libs/csengine/light/ 1 (0.9%) 20 (0.9%) 20.0
CS/docs/texinfo/build/platform/ 4 (3.7%) 17 (0.8%) 4.2
CS/libs/csengine/ 4 (3.7%) 10 (0.5%) 2.5
CS/include/csutil/ 2 (1.8%) 10 (0.5%) 5.0
CS/libs/cssys/win32/ 1 (0.9%) 9 (0.4%) 9.0
CS/mk/ 1 (0.9%) 4 (0.2%) 4.0
CS/docs/texinfo/build/ 1 (0.9%) 4 (0.2%) 4.0
CS/docs/texinfo/apps/ 1 (0.9%) 4 (0.2%) 4.0
CS/libs/csutil/ 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/apps/cswstest/ 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/bin/ 5 (4.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity By Clock Time

Most Recent Commits

serplord 2000-12-31 16:39

added forward slash to list of valid string characters.

1 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-12-27 20:01

added moveable parameter which seemed to be missing from mesh->Draw

1 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-12-02 21:08

* added -mconsole to the linking flags
* comments explaining what to expect if you comment-out the -mconsole option

9 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-12-02 21:05

* automatic level-of-detail adjustment based on distance and feild-of-view
* cfg_lod_detail (the "lod" setting in Walktest) is now basically the distance at which full detail is visible instead of a fractional value

33 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-30 02:55

Renamed Windows and MS-DOS sections

19 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-29 22:24

Rene Dudfield's Sprite lighting modifications:
UpdateLightingFast () method
lighting_quality instead of do_quality_lighting
[Lighting]->LightingQual config option
plus some cleanup work and optimization by me

212 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-28 21:22

Sprite update:
* fixed lighting normals interpolation
* don't need obj_verts for UpdateLightingLQ
* MergeNormals functions now take a "base" parameter
* MERGE_ tokens removed, replaced with SMOOTH

73 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-25 06:25

Removed object_verts parameter from ComputeNormals.
Use less accurate direction from light to center of sprite instead of direction from light to vertex in UpdateLightingLQ.
Tried to implement normal interpolation in UpdateLightingLQ/HQ, but it doesn't do anything!
Added MergeNormals to sprite templates and world format to smooth out sprite seams.

142 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-25 06:24

Added MergeNormals to sprite templates and world format to smooth out sprite seams.

8 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-17 00:07

fixed typos: "Minw32" -> "Mingw32" and "CS/" -> "CS\"
(This *IS* Windows, and the other paths in this doc use '\')

2 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-11-15 18:52

Simplified keyboard controls and todo list

4 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-07-11 16:40

somehow the CR/LF stuff was wacked in only this batch file.

0 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-07-08 19:28

removed indentation - just in case

0 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-07-08 17:04

Un-indented these batch files, because I've heard some people have trouble with that.

0 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-03-05 02:29

mergetexels and mergenormals now measure the number of redundant vertices which can be merged. Also commited some disabled code which should actually merge the vertices but seems to have bugs.

53 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-02-21 04:23

changed 3 pointers in csFrame into 2 ints

103 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-02-19 20:37

added data/sydney/ folder to test mergetexels

1 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-02-19 20:35

mergetexels should be working now

37 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-02-17 06:07

i think i fixed it

37 lines of code changed in:

serplord 2000-02-17 04:57

check out the //// DEBUG CODE //// sections

19 lines of code changed in:

(37 more)

Generated by StatCvs v0.2-dev