Module CS/plugins/mesh/genmesh/persist/standard/

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Summary Period: 2002-09-19 to 2003-06-22



Lines Of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 909 (2003-07-11 20:29)


Author Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 27 (100.0%) 1006 (100.0%) 37.2
sunshine 10 (37.0%) 759 (75.4%) 75.9
hangman 5 (18.5%) 174 (17.3%) 34.8
jorrit 7 (25.9%) 45 (4.5%) 6.4
matzebraun 1 (3.7%) 10 (1.0%) 10.0
thebolt00 1 (3.7%) 7 (0.7%) 7.0
duhprey 1 (3.7%) 4 (0.4%) 4.0
dentoid 1 (3.7%) 4 (0.4%) 4.0
ab031ns 1 (3.7%) 3 (0.3%) 3.0

Most Recent Commits

sunshine 2003-06-22 22:38

Eric Sunshine removed the unused, obsolete, and deprecated top-level <name>
node from the .csplugin files.

0 lines of code changed in:

hangman 2003-06-20 00:32

"stream" to "renderbuffer" namechange

7 lines of code changed in:

hangman 2003-06-20 00:12

added anonymous render buffer manager class, which can be used to implement the anonymous render buffers for new renderer easily.

8 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2003-06-05 15:45

Eric Sunshine performed Phase Three of the elimination of the monolithic

-*- Eliminated the SCF information which was hardcoded in the .cpp files
of plugin modules, and which duplicated information in the external
.csplugin files.

-*- Plugin modules no longer maintain and export a monolithic class list.
Now, each factory implemented by the code is exported automatically.

-*- Added a new <implementation> child node to the <class> node in
.csplugin files. The value of this node is the name of the C++ class
which implements the SCF class. For instance, C++ class csVFS
implements crystalspace.kernel.vfs.

-*- Eliminated the following SCF macros which were related to exporting
SCF information from .cpp code and/or registering classes manually:


-*- Eliminated the following methods from iSCF:


-*- Plugin modules are now initialized/shutdown lazily as classes are
requested from them. The first time a class is requested, the plugin
is initialized. The plugin is shutdown after the last class instance
has been destroyed.

-*- Fixed bug in scf.h where SCF_PRINT_CALL_ADDRESS was not being enabled
for gcc 3.x.

-*- Fixed bug in win32.jam where GenerateExportDefs rule failed to ensure
that directory containing output file existed before creating file.
Also fixed bug where it failed to set up a dependency between the
input and output files.

-*- Still To-Do:

- Remove references to scf.cfg and scfreg from documentation. Also
document new .csplugin resources.

- Add platform-specific function to scan and locate plugins
automatically rather than using the ad-hoc approach inherited from
scanning for .scf files.

- Add platform-specific function to query a plugin's meta-information.
This should be used by SCF to do the raw extraction. Provide and
finalize API for higher-level clients to access meta-information.

- Augment static linking to work with the new facility. (Removal of
the hardcoded SCF information, has now broken static linking. It
worked until this time, even with all of the preceding changes.)

4 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-06-05 14:03

Jorrit fixed an error message in the genmesh loader. It would
complain about too many colors when it meant too many vertices.

1 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-05-29 08:06

Replaced NULL with 0.

16 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2003-05-26 09:49

Eric Sunshine performed Phase One of the elimination of the monolithic

-*- Plugin modules are now self-describing. This information can be
queried at run-time without having to actually load the module.

-*- The plugin maintainer now manages the plugin's meta-information in an
external .csplugin file, rather than hard-coding the information into
the plugin's source code. The mechanism by which the meta-information
is bound to the plugin is platform-dependent. Presently, all
platforms simply lay down the meta-information in a plain text file
alongside the plugin itself; with the same basename and extension
.csplugin. This may change in the future. For example, on MacOS/X,
the meta-information will probably be encapsulated within the plugin's
bundle wrapper.

-*- Plugin meta-information is now maintained in XML format. Here is an

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- gl3d.csplugin -->
<description>OpenGL 3D graphics driver</description>

-*- Since meta-information is now extensible, maintainers can choose to
publish supplementary information about plugins (in addition to the
SCF information already published). For example, image loading
plugins could publish "image indendification" information which would
allow the image loading multiplexor to selectively request image
loading plugins on-demand, rather than requesting all plugins
unconditionally, even if they are not needed. Here is an example of a
possible meta-information table for the PNG loader:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- cspngimg.csplugin -->
<scan length="4" bytes="\0x89PNG"/>

In this example, the PNG loader meta-information tells the multiplexor
several different ways to identify a PNG image: by checking file
extension, if available; by checking MIME type, if available; by
checking for the magic-string "\0x89PNG" in the raw image data. If
the multiplexor identifies the image as PNG, only then will it
actually request the PNG loader.

-*- Added the --meta-file directive to to allow specification
of the meta-information file for a module. The value of this option
is interpolated into template files via the new %metafile% variable.
msvcgen.mak now utilizes this flag with the value of the new
INC.PROJECT makefile variable. Augmented the MSVC6 and MSVC7 plugin
template files (plugin.tpl) to make use of %metafile%.

-*- Changed the file extension for plugins on MacOS/X from .csplugin to
.csbundle to avoid conflict with new meta-information resource which
uses the extension .csplugin.

-*- Still To-Do:

- Augment SCF to utilize the new meta-information resources, and to
understand the new XML format. Presently, these resources are
ignored at run-time.

- Add platform-specific function to scan and locate plugins
automatically, rather than relying upon a monolithic registry such
as scf.cfg.

- Add platform-specific function to query a plugin's meta-information.

- Eliminate the monolithic scf.cfg.

- Augment static linking to work with the new facility.

- Eliminate the hard-coded SCF registration information in each
plugin's source code.

27 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2003-04-27 11:33

Eric Sunshine made the following changes:

-*- Modified so that it emits a SRCDIR property to
config.mak. This value represents the --srcdir argument given to the
configure script (or "." if --srcdir is omitted). This points at the
directory containing the CS source code (which may differ from the
build directory, which is typically the current working directory).

-*- Modified makefiles and build scripts throughout the project so that
they respect $(SRCDIR). This allows the project to be built in a
directory other than the source directory, thus it is possible to
place the source directory on a readonly filesystem (such as a
CD-ROM), or to share a single NFS-mounted source directory among
different builds, where each build inhabits its own directory. For
example, if CS resides at /home/CS and you wish to build the project
in /home/build:

% cd /home/build
% ../CS/configure
% make -k all
% make install

(Note that the Jam-base build system already supports this build

-*- Modified so that it emits EXTENSIVE_MEMDEBUG to
config.mak since this variable is used by for the
`showconfig' target.

-*- Modified so that it emits MONITOR_MAKEFILE_CACHE when the
value is either "yes" or "no", instead of emitting it only when the
value is "yes". This was necessary because CS/mk/cache.mak prints the
value of this variable as part of $(SYSMODIFIER).

3 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-04-18 11:21

Some style fixes (i.e. no lines longer than 78 chars and proper
indentation for brackets).

12 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-04-18 10:20

- Removed all the ToText() routines in iSyntaxService. They are not
useful anymore with the new XML format and they prevent the
syntax services plugin from being totally thread-safe.
- Removed all broken implementations of the WriteDown() functions
in the mesh savers. These need to be reimplemented using

0 lines of code changed in:

matzebraun 2003-04-08 20:19

added the Jamfiles

10 lines of code changed in:

thebolt00 2003-02-27 23:59

- Marten Svanfeldt / Anders Stenberg made these changes
- The way buffers are activated. Now you use iRender3D::ActivateBuffer
- The way textures are activated. Added iRender3D::ActivateTexture
- Streammapping in the shaders

7 lines of code changed in:

dentoid 2003-02-26 23:11

Made the following changes related to the new renderer.
- Fixed a bug in mtex plugin causing crashes at shutdown
- Fixed an erroneous buffer release in the renderer causing VAR
to crash. VAR still doesn't release buffer correctly, and can't
be used yet.
- Made the windows GL canvas force alpha in framebuffer when using
new renderer. Probably something similar needs to be done in
other canvases.
- Fixed some errors in shader loading. Shaders wasn't prepared
- Added possibility to override blendmode per shader pass, and a new
blendmode in new renderer. (DESTALPHAADD)
- Added two example PPL-shaders. They both need some special
attenuationmaps and material setup.
- Fixed a bug in genmesh anonymous stream loading.

4 lines of code changed in:

duhprey 2003-02-18 07:50

Removed itoa in trade for sprintf in gmeshldr

4 lines of code changed in:

hangman 2003-02-16 17:33

added support for general vertex streams within genmesh for Render3d

159 lines of code changed in:

ab031ns 2002-12-23 22:26

Renamed/corrected header defines to CS coding-style.

3 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2002-12-18 08:46

Removed a bad DecRef() in the genmesh loader.

0 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2002-11-30 08:13

- Simplified the iLightingInfo interface. The concept of cache name
is now removed (it was totally unused). This also removes about 52
bytes of memory for every thing instance.
- Also removed the id variable with ReadFromCache() and WriteToCache()
in iLightingInfo.
- Removed the 'lmcache' keyword in the standard loader.
- Genmesh now implements iShadowReceiver but the function is not
implemented yet. Part of the plan to implement shadows on
genmesh objects.
- Genmesh now implements iLightingInfo but all functions are not
implemented yet.
- Added the ability to enable shadow receiving for genmeshes.
At this moment this is not yet implemented but when it is
implemented you will be able to use the same lighting system
that is also present for things for genmeshes too. By default
genmeshes will behave like all other objects (besides thing) and
receive lighting information at runtime using
DeferUpdateLighting(). When I finish implementing this new
functionality you will be able to say that a genmesh should
receive lighting information during the lighting recalculation
phase. That also means that it will be able to support
shadows (i.e. not only shadow casting, but shadows on the genmesh
object itself).
New 'localshadows' keyword. New SetShadowReceiving() function.
- Added new CS_ENGINE_CACHE_NOUPDATE flag for
engine->SetLightingCacheMode(). This flag is on by default and it
means that the lighting will not be updated when it is invalid
or missing. If this flag is off then lighting will always be
calculated even if CS_ENGINE_CACHE_WRITE is not set. This
flag means that if you forget to specify -relight or -recalc
on a level that doesn't have lighting you will simply get
black lightmaps and no length recalculation phase. The only
way to recalculate lighting is by using -relight or -recalc.

8 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2002-11-29 14:59

- Fixed autonormals in genmesh so it now ignores duplicate vertices
caused by vertices which have same coordinates but different
uv mapping. Before calculating normals it will first compress
the vertices (but ignoring uv mapping).
- Added the ability to disable shadow casting for genmeshes.
New 'noshadows' keyword. New SetShadowCasting() function.

8 lines of code changed in:

sunshine 2002-09-24 23:30

Eliminated unused functions from several mesh loaders.

0 lines of code changed in:

(1 more)

Generated by StatCvs v0.2-dev