User statistics for miklby

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Summary Period: 2001-04-02 to 2001-10-23

Total Changes

232 (0.4%)

Lines Of Code

4274 (0.2%)


Directory Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 232 (100.0%) 4274 (100.0%) 18.4
CS/plugins/mesh/metagen/object/ 12 (5.2%) 1611 (37.7%) 134.2
CS/docs/texinfo/plugins/anim/ 5 (2.2%) 570 (13.3%) 114.0
CS/plugins/mesh/terrfunc/object/ 10 (4.3%) 381 (8.9%) 38.1
CS/include/imesh/ 5 (2.2%) 209 (4.9%) 41.8
CS/docs/ 14 (6.0%) 195 (4.6%) 13.9
CS/include/csgeom/ 6 (2.6%) 142 (3.3%) 23.6
CS/plugins/mesh/spr3d/object/ 11 (4.7%) 128 (3.0%) 11.6
CS/plugins/mesh/ball/object/ 8 (3.4%) 123 (2.9%) 15.3
CS/libs/csgeom/ 3 (1.3%) 121 (2.8%) 40.3
CS/plugins/mesh/spr2d/object/ 4 (1.7%) 111 (2.6%) 27.7
CS/include/iengine/ 9 (3.9%) 93 (2.2%) 10.3
CS/plugins/mesh/metaball/object/ 10 (4.3%) 85 (2.0%) 8.5
CS/plugins/bugplug/ 10 (4.3%) 72 (1.7%) 7.2
CS/apps/tutorial/simplept/ 7 (3.0%) 48 (1.1%) 6.8
CS/include/csengine/ 8 (3.4%) 37 (0.9%) 4.6
CS/data/flarge/ 3 (1.3%) 35 (0.8%) 11.6
CS/plugins/video/renderer/software/ 11 (4.7%) 31 (0.7%) 2.8
CS/plugins/video/renderer/opengl/ 9 (3.9%) 31 (0.7%) 3.4
CS/plugins/video/renderer/common/ 9 (3.9%) 30 (0.7%) 3.3
CS/include/csutil/ 2 (0.9%) 18 (0.4%) 9.0
CS/ 3 (1.3%) 17 (0.4%) 5.6
CS/apps/walktest/ 7 (3.0%) 16 (0.4%) 2.2
CS/libs/csengine/objects/ 4 (1.7%) 15 (0.4%) 3.7
CS/plugins/mesh/haze/object/ 3 (1.3%) 14 (0.3%) 4.6
CS/include/ivideo/ 1 (0.4%) 14 (0.3%) 14.0
CS/bin/ 1 (0.4%) 14 (0.3%) 14.0
CS/libs/csengine/ 7 (3.0%) 13 (0.3%) 1.8
CS/data/temp/ 2 (0.9%) 12 (0.3%) 6.0
CS/plugins/video/renderer/null/ 5 (2.2%) 11 (0.3%) 2.2
CS/libs/csws/ 3 (1.3%) 8 (0.2%) 2.6
CS/libs/csutil/ 1 (0.4%) 8 (0.2%) 8.0
CS/plugins/video/canvas/common/ 2 (0.9%) 7 (0.2%) 3.5
CS/plugins/mesh/stars/object/ 2 (0.9%) 7 (0.2%) 3.5
CS/plugins/mesh/partgen/ 2 (0.9%) 7 (0.2%) 3.5
CS/docs/texinfo/plugins/ 4 (1.7%) 6 (0.1%) 1.5
CS/data/config/ 3 (1.3%) 6 (0.1%) 2.0
CS/mk/ 4 (1.7%) 5 (0.1%) 1.2
CS/libs/cssys/ 1 (0.4%) 5 (0.1%) 5.0
CS/include/csws/ 4 (1.7%) 4 (0.1%) 1.0
CS/plugins/video/canvas/softx/ 3 (1.3%) 3 (0.1%) 1.0
CS/libs/cstool/ 2 (0.9%) 3 (0.1%) 1.5
CS/plugins/engine/iso/ 2 (0.9%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/include/imap/ 1 (0.4%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
CS/plugins/video/canvas/openglx/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/plugins/sequence/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/plugins/console/output/simple/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/plugins/aws/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/plugins/motion/ 3 (1.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CS/include/ivaria/ 1 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
CS/data/ 1 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity By Clock Time

Most Recent Commits

miklby 2001-10-23 04:09

- Improved lighting on water procedural texture in flarge.

5 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-10-17 20:37

- Shifted water and fire proctex down to the basement.

7 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-10-17 06:05

- Small typo fix to data/walktest.cfg. This just fixes up
the PerfStats loading problem, but doesnt fix the fact
that the plugin was taking the name tag from the walktest
config file.

7 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-10-16 10:22

- Update

3 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-10-16 10:17

- Update bin/ to seperate gcc from g++

14 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-26 20:16

- Update

4 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-26 20:10

- Fixed walktest crasher in line 3d caused
by proctex (ignoring PrepareAnim() failure)

1 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-26 02:58

- Update

7 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-20 03:40

- Update

10 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-19 18:55

- Haze Mesh: Implement HitBeamBBox.

- Sprite2D: Implement HitBeamBBox and
HitBeamOutline. Modified SetupObject() to
always calculate the radius when the object
is setup, reguardless of the lighting setting.
Introduced a GetObjectBoundingBox method,
but it is as yet invalid. More work to be done
here yet.

- Sprite3D: Tidying up HitBeam.

114 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-14 13:18

- Update

11 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-14 13:14

HitBeam updates:
Fleshed out HitBeam interface. HitBeamBBox
now does exactly that and returns the face number
hit. The HitBeamOutline and HitBeamObject methods
now line up with their names. Hitting the outline
of a mesh object will return upon the first hit.
HitBeamObject still returns the nearest hit, which
means that it scans through all triangles looking
for the closest hit. csSector::HitBeam() now uses
the outline for faster processing.

261 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-11 16:25

- csengine/material.cpp and texture.cpp:
Started addressing outstanding memory leaks,
starting with the ones caused by myself. Some
of the texture and material handles should start
deleteing automatically now.

- csws/cswstex.cpp:
Started addressing outstanding memory leaks,
starting with the ones caused by myself. The
texture manager will now clean up correctly
and completely under csfedit and some
csws based applications.

14 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-10 16:19

- Update.

6 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-10 16:12

- Texture manager (all drivers):
Removed GetRefCount() kludge in the delete method.
This results in csfedit not cleaning up the texture
manager correctly, but I will correct this in due

6 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-07 19:09

- csObject: Changed the vector used to CS_TYPED_VECTOR_DECREF()
then changed the delete routines to feed the RefCount of an object
as the FreeIt flag. This staunches cyclic reference runaways and
prevents RefCounts on csObject's from going below zero. Also
removed unecessary while() loop in csObjectIterator::Next(). This
loop was never used. The engine now exit's *slightly* faster.

16 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-06 18:23

- Missed file update: remove TexMan from csws header.

0 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-06 18:02

- History update.

26 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-06 18:00

- Texture Manager: All drivers
- Continued fortification of texture manager.. It
should now behave like the rest of the engine,
handing over the reference to the texture handle
without needing an IncRef(). This ends the circular
reference contract and resumes normal behaviour.
To release a texture handle, simply DecRef() it,
and the texture manager will do the rest.

- Texture Manager: soft3d
- Tracked down and fixed the annoying tcache crash
at exit. Under opengl, software texture managers
and caches can be shared between different instances
of the software driver. Soft3dcom now respects the
shared resources and deletes correctly, I have only
the csThing leaks to track down now. Also removed
bug flag in Clear().

- OpenGL software procedural textures and cswstex:
- Removed now uneeded reference to parent procedural
texture manager. Handles should now clean up with
a DecRef() the same as most other engine objects.
The handle will unregister itself.

23 lines of code changed in:

miklby 2001-08-06 05:51

- Tidy up history.txt from my last commit.

42 lines of code changed in:

(42 more)

Generated by StatCvs v0.2-dev