Module CS/include/ivideo/

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Summary Period: 2001-03-09 to 2003-07-04


     effects (9 files, 677 lines)
     rendersteps (5 files, 226 lines)
     shader (1 files, 360 lines)

Lines Of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 3650 (2003-07-11 20:29)


Author Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 286 (100.0%) 4860 (100.0%) 16.9
sunshine 37 (12.9%) 2013 (41.4%) 54.4
jorrit 77 (26.9%) 834 (17.2%) 10.8
thebolt00 25 (8.7%) 598 (12.3%) 23.9
dentoid 34 (11.9%) 507 (10.4%) 14.9
res2002 41 (14.3%) 278 (5.7%) 6.7
samuel 5 (1.7%) 193 (4.0%) 38.6
okt 6 (2.1%) 85 (1.7%) 14.1
duhprey 6 (2.1%) 68 (1.4%) 11.3
norman 9 (3.1%) 59 (1.2%) 6.5
hangman 2 (0.7%) 52 (1.1%) 26.0
ab031ns 17 (5.9%) 51 (1.0%) 3.0
matzebraun 10 (3.5%) 41 (0.8%) 4.1
ate 2 (0.7%) 15 (0.3%) 7.5
miklby 1 (0.3%) 14 (0.3%) 14.0
philwyett 6 (2.1%) 13 (0.3%) 2.1
renej_frog 1 (0.3%) 12 (0.2%) 12.0
mgeisse 2 (0.7%) 12 (0.2%) 6.0
neverjade 1 (0.3%) 6 (0.1%) 6.0
jacereda 1 (0.3%) 4 (0.1%) 4.0
azverkan 2 (0.7%) 3 (0.1%) 1.5
uid30344 1 (0.3%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0

Most Recent Commits

res2002 2003-07-04 15:28

Committed fixes from Oktal for some circular #include
dependencies in the new renderer.
Fixed a wrong #include in anonrndbuf.cpp.

2 lines of code changed in:

dentoid 2003-06-28 00:40

- Anders Stenberg added support for pixmaps (DrawPixmap) to new renderer.

18 lines of code changed in:

thebolt00 2003-06-24 23:19

- Marten reverted Oktals addition of a new variablesystem to render3d. It have alot of serve compilation-errors which should be fixed before commiting.

13 lines of code changed in:

okt 2003-06-24 05:25

Finished off the new renderer shader variable system, including factoring out
the variable-related API calls from all the shader-related interfaces, which
all now inherit from a single variable holder interface.
It should now be ready to use, and I leave that to Anders and Marten :-)

18 lines of code changed in:

okt 2003-06-24 04:44

Added the iGraphicsMemory interface for accessing the csGraphicsMemory plugin.

37 lines of code changed in:

res2002 2003-06-20 16:55

Made the following changes to the new renderer system:
- Index buffers aren't treated in a special way any more now.
Just your average vertex buffer.
- Changed the internal implementation of render buffers a bit.
- Renamed stencil shadow binary to 'rlsstencil' to fit in with the
other renderstep plugins.

6 lines of code changed in:

res2002 2003-06-20 02:40

Started working on converting thing for NR. You already can see
something, but it's still rather crude and naive, tho.

7 lines of code changed in:

thebolt00 2003-06-18 16:58

- Marten removed the sc. discardingsystem for renderbuffers
- Marten ported the ballmesh, nullmesh, simplecon and csconout to new renderer.

0 lines of code changed in:

thebolt00 2003-06-17 19:37

- Marten renamed iStreamSource to iRenderBufferSource and GetBuffer to GetRenderBuffer. In the classes the terms stream and renderbuffer are mixed, from now on use just the term renderbuffer.

5 lines of code changed in:

thebolt00 2003-06-16 21:14

- Moved csRenderMesh to a new headerfile to solve circular header dependency.
- Cleaned up code in glrender3d and genmesh. Removed old deprecated code and some general cleanup. Also removed a few unused files in glrender3d.

6 lines of code changed in:

thebolt00 2003-06-16 21:13

- Moved csRenderMesh to a new headerfile to solve circular header dependency.

117 lines of code changed in:

okt 2003-06-05 01:54

Added the shader variable system to the new renderer,
and fixed const-correctness throughout the renderer.

30 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-06-04 16:03

Jorrit additionally updated the iStreamIterator.

1 lines of code changed in:

dentoid 2003-06-01 16:09

(New Renderer) Rewrote the custom render loop a bit to be more general, and also added "foreachlight" support. Also changed the way z-mode is set. Now it's set explicitly by a SetZMode call, and not implicitly in DrawMesh. A csBasicVector in the shadermanager has been replaced with csRefArray too. (Might have introduced bugs with reference counts.)

10 lines of code changed in:

jorrit 2003-05-29 08:04

Replaced NULL with 0.

20 lines of code changed in:

res2002 2003-05-22 02:13

- made the following changes:
- when using the new renderer, the sector now stores the
rendermeshes of the contained meshobjects. This is different
from the old system where only the mesh objects themselves
knew about the rendered meshes. Not all necessary adjustments
have been done yet.

3 lines of code changed in:

dentoid 2003-05-12 01:24

Added SCF wrapper for stringset, and made the new renderer use it.

0 lines of code changed in:

duhprey 2003-04-28 22:30

The renderer now expects the shader to be set before any calls to draw

38 lines of code changed in:

renej_frog 2003-04-17 00:59

Major update of CS python scripting.

The cspython plugin can now access CS almost completely.
A python module can be built by "make pythmod" which allows for writing
CS application python.

Development and testing was done with Python 2.2.1, SWIG 1.3.17 on
RedHat Linux 7.2+. For platforms where Python 2.2.x is run by the
command "python2", use "PYTHON=python2" before "./configure" and
"make *" commands.

* more support for callback situations
* provide support for building with Jam

The following lists repository changes (M=modified, A=addd, R=removed):

generated by SWIG 1.3.17 from include/ivaria/cspace.i
used by cspython plugin in pysimp application
second plugin example by Mark Gossage (
stand-alone python version of simpcd application
simple python module test (much like, but pure python)
test for iDocumentSystem
python version of tutorial 0 by Mark Gossage (
python version of tutorial 2 by Mark Gossage (
python version of tutorial 3 by Mark Gossage (

M cs_pyth.cpp
generated by SWIG 1.3.17 from include/ivaria/cspace.i
R cspymod.cpp
replaced by pythmod.cpp, following LANGmod.cpp scheme
M cspython.cpp
main file for cspython plugin
M cspython.mak
makefile for cspython plugin and python module (pythmod)
A pythmod.cpp
application stub for python module
setup file for python module
M pytocs.cpp
python-to-CS-console functions for plugin

M ivaria/cspace.i
too much to mention, please see file
A ivaria/pythpre.i
python pre-include file for cspace.i (LANGpre.i scheme)
A ivaria/pythpost.i
python pre-include file for cspace.i (LANGpost.i scheme)
M igraphic/imageio.h
iImageIO::FileFormatDescription now usable by SWIG by introducing
a global csImageIOFileFormatDescription type
M iutil/event.h
anonymous structs in anonoymous union in iEvent now usable by SWIG,
names csEvent*Data
M ivideo/graph3d.h
"enum {...} vertex_mode;" made usable by SWIG by changing to
"enum {...} VertexMode; VertexMode vertex_mode;"

12 lines of code changed in:

res2002 2003-04-08 21:32

- added a shadow debugging aid for the new renderer to bugplug;
the shadow extruder shader is swapped at runtime with a version
where the volume more visible.

11 lines of code changed in:

(122 more)

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