User statistics for neverjade

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Summary Period: 2001-04-05 to 2003-05-28

Total Changes

1152 (2.0%)

Lines Of Code

57216 (2.7%)


Directory Changes Lines of code Lines per change
Totals 1152 (100.0%) 57216 (100.0%) 49.6
CS/plugins/aws/ 828 (71.9%) 44793 (78.3%) 54.0
CS/libs/csutil/ 26 (2.3%) 2663 (4.7%) 102.4
CS/data/temp/ 38 (3.3%) 2648 (4.6%) 69.6
CS/include/iaws/ 41 (3.6%) 1807 (3.2%) 44.0
CS/apps/tests/awstest/ 48 (4.2%) 1183 (2.1%) 24.6
CS/plugins/mesh/terrbig/ 27 (2.3%) 1160 (2.0%) 42.9
CS/libs/csgeom/ 18 (1.6%) 796 (1.4%) 44.2
CS/include/csutil/ 17 (1.5%) 656 (1.1%) 38.5
CS/include/ivaria/ 31 (2.7%) 463 (0.8%) 14.9
CS/libs/csws/skins/default/ 9 (0.8%) 280 (0.5%) 31.1
CS/include/csws/ 16 (1.4%) 268 (0.5%) 16.7
CS/libs/csws/ 13 (1.1%) 175 (0.3%) 13.4
CS/include/csgeom/ 13 (1.1%) 156 (0.3%) 12.0
CS/include/cssys/unix/ 2 (0.2%) 70 (0.1%) 35.0
CS/include/cssys/win32/ 2 (0.2%) 63 (0.1%) 31.5
CS/include/iutil/ 3 (0.3%) 12 (0.0%) 4.0
CS/data/config/ 1 (0.1%) 9 (0.0%) 9.0
CS/include/ivideo/ 1 (0.1%) 6 (0.0%) 6.0
CS/ 2 (0.2%) 5 (0.0%) 2.5
CS/mk/ 2 (0.2%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/apps/demo/ 1 (0.1%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
CS/data/ 13 (1.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity By Clock Time

Most Recent Commits

neverjade 2003-05-28 16:43

Applied patch from Logan Gabriel which allows AWS to have modal dialogs.

6 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2003-05-28 16:42

Applied a patch from Logan Gabriel which allows AWS to have modal dialogs.

63 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2003-05-27 22:54

Applied patch from Kamil Skalski to allow setting of scrollbar value.

13 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2003-05-13 18:01

Fixed aws not returning proper result when handling KeyDown events.

4 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2003-05-13 17:50

Added vertical and horizontal scrollbars to the test file so that the options are documented, and also so that we can see if the code works right for BOTH orientations.

23 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-12-12 22:00

Added new function MouseInComponent. Takes x and y and tests to see if they're inside any top-level components. Returns true if the mouse is inside, otherwise false.

26 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-09-05 18:50

Fixed a couple of minor compile problems where a struct was declared and later referred to as a class.

2 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-07-31 17:02

Added a new function called "CreateSlot()" to the SinkManager. You can use this to create embeddable slots.

13 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-07-29 23:32

Committed patch by Mike Handverger to allow creating connection nodes programmatically.

90 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-07-29 23:31

Committed the patch from Mike Handverger that allows programmatically creating connection nodes.

24 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-07-08 22:43

Added a comment which notes the possible problem noted by Craig Ching and Peter Amstutz.

8 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-07-08 22:40

Committed the changes posted by Andrew Craig. Also fixed my previous fix from Craig Ching.

19 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-07-08 22:20

Committed fix for an error that was found by Craig Ching.

1 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-28 23:41

Fixed awstest to use new Opaque type to test it. Works.
CV: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

13 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-28 23:41

Added Opaque type.

9 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-28 23:40

Added a new type "Opaque" to the flexible parameter list.

43 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-28 19:00

Apparently I forgot to commit this correctly.

1 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-28 17:59

Fixed def file to have more pleasing results.

430 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-28 17:57

Fixed button not hiding problem. Fixed frame styles not registered problem.

81 lines of code changed in:

neverjade 2002-06-27 22:12

Fixed ugliness with buttons not looking like they move.

10 lines of code changed in:

(412 more)

Generated by StatCvs v0.2-dev